Lexa JET UV inkjet inks is for use in piezoelectric, DOD print heads. These inks provide high flexibility and elongation as well as excellent adhesion with good chemical resistance to recommended substrate.
Primary uses of Lexa JET UV inkjet inks is natural Leather , PU , TPU and industrial substrate where flexibility and elongation is of importance
Main advantage of LexaJET
UV inkjet inks are as follows
- UV curable printing inks without solvent.
- Formulated for use flexibility and elongation.
- Formulated high performance pigments for highest chroma
- Excellent light fastness(pigments are all 7-8 on Blue Wool scale)

* Accelerated weathering test by Xenon Arc Weather meter
* Can be 24 month exposure in outdoor
- Fast curing speed.
- Abrasion resistance.
Product Range
Lexa 153 Yellow Lexa 306 Light Magenta
Lexa 456 Magenta Lexa 612 Light Cyan
Lexa 765 Cyan Lexa 918 Black
Lexa 1024 White Lexa 001 Cleaning Solution
Lexa 100 Flush Solution  
High-performance nano pigment dispersion used
These pigment in LexaJET inks offer outstanding resistance to light, weather, heat, chemical and solvent. All of pigment in LexaJET inks is from TRJ dispersion which particle size is under 200 nanometer by JESCO dispersion technology.
Pigment dispersion for LexaJET
▶ Measurement condition
- Temperature : 25 °C
- Diluent Name : MEK
- Refractive Index ; 1.38
- Viscosity : 0.4016 (cp)
- Scattering Intensity : 7899(cps)
Curing Parameters
LexaJET UV inkjet inks are formulated to cure when exposed to a focused , medium pressure mercury vapor lamp providing 225 – 300 mJ/cm² and 600W/cm². The actual level of cure will depend on ink thickness , substrate , and UV curing lamps being used. Superior through cure may be obtained by reducing the print speed to increase the overall UV dose. The inks will undergo dark cure at room temperature or an optional thermal post -cure at 200°C for 5 minutes or less may be required. Further recommendation on obtaining best cure could be provided depending on the end user application.
Viscosity Range( c p s )
L . Magenta
L . Cyan
25 14.6 14.0 15.3 14.0 15.4 14.6 18.9
40 8.9 8.5 9.7 8.5 9.9 8.9 13.5
45 8.0 7.5 8.5 7.5 8.6 8.0 12.8
50 7.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.7 11.2
Measured by Brookfield DV-2+ / Spindle No. 18 / 120 rpm / 5 minutes
* Viscosity can be control by customers requirement.
Evaluated Print Head
- Konica 512 –New series
- Xaar 760 GS8
- Nova JA 256 / 80
- Galaxy JA 256 / 80
- Galaxy JA 256 / 30
Storage condition
This inks should always kept away from heat , sunlight , sparks. And flames. Store inks and solution at 18 – 40°C at a humidity from 20 – 50% in non-condensing environment. The shelf life of this products is 12 months from the date of manufacture when stored under prescribed conditions.
Ink Handling & Environmental information
Wear gloves and eye protection device when handling inks and Consult Material Safety Data Sheet for further instruction and Environmental information.
The information and recommendations contained in this TDS as well as technical advice otherwise given by representative of our company, whether verbally or in writing , are based on our present knowledge and believed to be accurate. However , no guarantee regarding their accuracy is given as we cannot cover or anticipate every possible application of our products and because manufacturing methods, printing stocks and other material vary. For the same reason our products are sold without warranty and on condition that users shall make their own test to satisfy themselves that they will meet fully their particular requirements. Our policy of continuous product improvement might make some of the information contained in this PDS Out of date and users are requested to ensure that they follow current recommendations.